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The Boy In The Iceberg


Zuko Iroh Avatar Helmsman

Cut to a Fire Nation ship, where a boy in a Fire Nation military uniform stands on the deck, gazing at the light. His ponytail flutters in the wind.

Zuko: Finally! [He turns around to face another person in uniform, who sits at a small table.] Uncle, do you realize what this means?!

Iroh: [He is playing some sort of card game. He answers calmly while looking over the tile he's holding toward his nephew.] I won't get to finish my game?

Zuko: [Turning around again to face the light.] It means my search is about to come to an end.

Iroh sighs uninterestedly and places his tile on the table.

Zuko: [Gestures at the light while facing his uncle again.] That light came from an incredibly powerful source! [The light dwindles and disappears.] It has to be him!

Iroh: [With continuing disinterest and an air of skepticism.] Or it's just the celestial lights. We've been down this road before, Prince Zuko. [He looks at the tile in his hand, depicting the symbol of airbending.] I don't want you to get too excited over nothing. [He places it on a tile carrying the symbol of firebending and gestures toward the open place at the other side of the table while continuing in a relaxed voice.] Please, sit. Why don't you enjoy a cup of calming Jasmine tea?

Zuko: [Furiously, still facing Iroh.] I don't need any calming tea! I need to capture the Avatar! Helmsman, head a course for the light!

Zuko points in the direction of where the light once was. Iroh calmly continues with his game, placing another tile bearing the airbending symbol on the previous one. As he does, a gust of wind washes over him, shaking his tiles.

Winter Solstice Part 1: The Spirit World


Zuko Iroh Fire Nation Soldier Earth Kingdon Captain Avatar

Back near the hot spring. Two soldiers and Zuko look for Iroh.

Zuko: Uncle! Uncle, where are you?

Fire Nation Soldier: Sir, maybe he thought you left without him.

Zuko: Something's not right here. That pile of rocks.

Fire Nation Soldier: It looks like there's been a landslide, sir.

Zuko: Land doesn't slide uphill. Those rocks didn't move naturally. [Stands up straight.] My Uncle's been captured by earthbenders!

While following the ostrich horse footprints, Zuko notices Appa.

Zuko: The Avatar! [He turns slightly, but looks back at the footprints.]

Back to Iroh, who is surrounded by the soldiers.

Earthbender captain: These dangerous hands must be crushed. [He brings up and prepares to drop it. However, Zuko jumps in and kicks the rock away before breaking Iroh's chain with his boot.]

Iroh: Excellent form, Prince Zuko.

Zuko: You taught me well.

Earthbender captain: Surrender yourselves. It's five against two. You're clearly outnumbered.

Iroh: Yeah, that's true, but you are clearly outmatched.

The solders fire rocks, but Iroh destroys them with the chains. Zuko takes out two soldiers with fire. A rock is fired at him, but Iroh catches it and throws it back at the soldiers, knocking them down. The Captain fires three rocks at Zuko, which he dodges. Zuko counters with fire blasts that are dodged. The captain brings up a large mass of rock, however, Iroh throws his chains around his ankles, knocking him and causing the rocks to fall on top of him. The soldiers are heard groaning underneath the rocks.

Zuko: Now would you please put on some clothes?

The Storm


Zuko Iroh Young Zuko Iroh Ozai Helmsman Buijing Elder Soldier Jee

Scene changes to a flashback. Zuko walks up to the curtains to get in the war room, but the guard on the left moves in front of the curtain to stop him.

Young Zuko Let me in!

Iroh: [Places his hands on Zuko's shoulders.] Prince Zuko, what's wrong?

Young Zuko I want to go into the war chamber [Points to the guard.] but the guard won't let me pass!

Iroh: [Leads Zuko away with his left hand still on his shoulder.] You're not missing anything, trust me. These meetings are dreadfully boring.

Young Zuko If I'm going to rule this nation one day, don't you think I need to start learning as much as I can?

Iroh: Very well. But you must promise not to speak. [Another elder soldier walks by them into the war chamber.] These old folks are a bit sensitive, you know?

Young Zuko [Bows to Iroh.] Thank you, Uncle.

Zuko and Iroh walk into the war room. The meeting starts.

Bujing: The Earth Kingdom defenses are concentrated here. [Bujing shows the place on the map.] A dangerous battalion of their strongest earthbenders and fiercest warriors. So I am recommending the forty-first division.

Elder Soldier: But the forty-first is entirely new recruits. How do you expect them to defeat a powerful Earth Kingdom battalion?

Bujing: I don't. They'll be used as a distraction while we mount an attack from the rear. What better to use as bait than fresh meat?

Young Zuko [Zuko is shown standing up.] You can't sacrifice an entire division like that! Those soldiers love and defend our nation! How can you betray them?

Camera shows everyone in the war room staring at Zuko, save for Iroh, who is kneeling behind his nephew. The scene changes back to the present time.

Iroh: Zuko was right, you see, [Massages his beard again.] but it was not his place to speak out. And there were dire consequences. [Slightly bows his head.]

A flashback appears of the fire in front of the Fire Lord's throne rising.

Iroh: After Zuko's outburst in the meeting, the Fire Lord became very angry with him. [Flashback quickly ends.] He said the challenge against the general was an act of complete disrespect! And there was only one way to resolve this.

Jee: Agni Kai. A fire duel.

Iroh: That's right. Zuko looked upon the old general he had insulted and declared that he was not afraid. But Zuko misunderstood. [Flashback shows an overview of the chamber; the camera cuts to show Zuko preparing for the Agni Kai.] When he turned to face his opponent, he was surprised to see it was not the general. [Flashback shows the tippet that was on Zuko's shoulders fall down to the ground.] Zuko had spoken out against the general's plan, but by doing so in the Fire Lord's war room, it was the Fire Lord whom he had disrespected. [Frontal shot of a surprised Zuko; as the camera zooms in on him, his expression changes to one of fear.] Zuko would have to duel his own father.

Iroh: When Prince Zuko saw that it was his father who had come to duel him, he begged for mercy.

Flashback shows a side overview of the Agni Kai chamber where Ozai is advancing on Zuko.

Young Zuko [Cut to a side-view of Zuko.] Please, Father. I only had the Fire Nation's best interest at heart. I'm sorry I spoke out of turn! [Slightly lowers his head.]

Cut to a frontal shot from a worm's eye perspective of Ozai's silhouette walking up to Zuko.

Ozai: You will fight for your honor.

Young Zuko [Frontal shot; kneels on his knees and forearms, while looking at the floor.] I meant you no disrespect. [Gazes up at his father, tears shimmering in his eyes as his voice starts to waver.] I am your loyal son.

Ozai: [Far off frontal shot of Zuko as Ozai's shadow and eventually his head come into view.] Rise and fight, Prince Zuko!

Cut to a side-view from behind some of the spectators as Ozai reaches Zuko, who lowers his head to the floor again.

Young Zuko I won't fight you.

Ozai: You will learn respect, [Zuko pushes himself up on his knees and hands. Cut to a frontal shot of Zuko as he starts to shake.] and suffering will be your [Zuko looks up at Ozai, tears streaming down his face.] teacher.

Cut to a frontal view of Zhao, Iroh, and Azula in the crowd. While Iroh clenches his teeth and looks fearful and worried on Zuko's behalf, Zhao looks on with a smirk on his face, while Azula smiles and raises her left fist in front of her chest in anticipation.

Iroh: [Voice-over; Iroh closes his eyes and averts his head to the left.] I looked away.

As the sound of a fire blast is heard, Zuko is screaming "no", which echoes. While the faces of the spectators are brightened by the flames, the camera slowly zooms in on Iroh's averted face. The scene switches from the past to the present, where Iroh is sitting in the same manner.

Jee: I always thought that Prince Zuko was in a training accident.

Iroh: It was no accident. After the duel, the Fire Lord said that by refusing to fight, Zuko had shown shameful weakness. As punishment, he was banished and sent to capture the Avatar. Only then could he return with his honor.

Jee: So that's why he's so obsessed. Capturing the Avatar is the only chance he has of things returning to normal.

Iroh: Things will never return to normal. But the important thing is the Avatar gives Zuko hope.

Scene changes to show Zuko meditating, while having flashbacks of his younger life. He is stopped by a hit on the ship.

Scene changes to Zuko's ship, with Zuko on the deck.

Zuko: Where were we hit?

Jee: I don't know!

Iroh: Look!

Zuko: The helmsman!

Zuko and Lieutenant Jee are shown climbing up a ladder to help a man who is about to fall. Lightning goes down to the middle of the ship, where Iroh is. He uses redirection so it does not damage the ship. Zuko is shown spotting Appa.

Zuko: The Avatar!

Jee: What do you want to do, sir?

Zuko: Let him go. We need to get this ship to safety.

Iroh: Then we must head directly into the eye of the storm.

Scene changes to Zuko and Iroh together.

Zuko: Uncle, I'm sorry.

Iroh: Your apology is accepted.

The Blue Spirit


Blue Spirit Aang Zhao Fire Lord

Cut to a Yuyan Archer, who is silent, but aims.

Zhao: Knock out the thief. I'll deliver him to the Fire Lord along with the Avatar.

The archer releases his arrow, which the camera follows across the field to its impact point on the Blue Spirit's mask. Cut to a side-view of Aang and the Blue Spirit as the masked man collapses backward in slow motion. Aang turns in horror, his eyes glazed. He recovers, turns around and airbends up a huge cloud of dust around him and the Blue Spirit.

Zhao: Quick! Recover the Avatar!

Cut to the main gate opening and a crowd Fire Nation soldiers emerging and running toward the dust cloud. Cut to inside the dust cloud, where Aang removes the Blue Spirit's mask to reveal Zuko. Aang starts back in horror and falls backward on the ground. He jumps up and runs away, but turns to look at Zuko, his eyes huge and full of compassion. He sees the Fire Nation soldiers getting close through the smoke. Still, he hesitates. When the dust clears, however, the soldiers find nothing. Cut back to Zhao, looking insanely angry. A frog hops up onto the railing, croaks, and hops off.

Fade to white, followed by a blurry shot of a forest looking straight up into the canopy overhead. It is morning. The screen pans down to Aang sitting on a nearby root, the view is still blurry. He looks forlorn. Cut to Zuko, whose view we were clearly just seeing. He looks a bit dazed still.

Aang: [To Zuko.] You know what the worst part of being born over a hundred years ago is? I miss all the friends I used to hang out with. Before the war started, I used to always visit my friend Kuzon. The two of us, we'd get in and out of so much trouble together. He was one of the best friends I ever had, and he was from the Fire Nation, just like you. If we knew each other back then, do you think we could have been friends, too?

Cut to a wide shot of Zuko lying on the ground, Aang next to him, perched a large tree root. After a pause, Zuko lets loose a huge fireball at him, but Aang dodges and flies away on a current of air. Zuko watches him hop away from tree branch to tree branch and out sight. Cut to Zuko as the camera slowly zooms backward. Zuko raises his eye in consideration.

Siege of the North: Part 1


Zuko Iroh Avatar my son

Cuts inside a room where Zuko prepares a boat, winding up some rope. Iroh enters.

Iroh: If you're fishing for an octopus my nephew, you need a tightly woven net, or he will squeeze through the tiniest hole and escape.

Zuko: I don't need your wisdom right now, Uncle.

Iroh: I'm sorry. I just nag you, because ... well, [Voice breaking slightly.] ever since I lost my son ...

Zuko: Uncle, you don't have to say it.

Iroh: ... I think of you as my own.

Zuko: [Faces his uncle, a softer expression on his face.] I know, Uncle. We'll meet again. [Iroh hugs him.] After I have the Avatar. [He turns away and gets on the boat.]

Iroh: Remember your breath of fire. It could save your life out there.

Zuko: I will. [Lowers the boat, suspended by ropes, down the side of the ship into the water.]

Iroh: And put your hood up. Keep your ears warm!

Zuko: I'll be fine!

Siege of the North: Part 2


Zuko Aang Katara Sokka Zhao Iroh

In the cave, Zuko is keeping warm with Breath of Fire while Aang, now tied up, remains in the Spirit World.

Zuko: I finally have you, but I can't get you home because of this blizzard. [Stands up and looks outside the cave.] There's always something. Not that you would understand. You're like my sister. Everything always came easy to her. She's a firebending prodigy, and everyone adores her. My father says she was born lucky. He says I was lucky to be born. I don't need luck, though. I don't want it. I've always had to struggle and fight and that's made me strong. It's made me who I am.

Cut to Aang entering the cave, filling it with light. Cut to Aang waking up, attempting to get out of his restraints and noticing Zuko.

Zuko: Welcome back.

Aang: [Cut to close-up of Aang as he narrows his eyes.] It's good to be back.

Aang airbends Zuko into a wall and propelling himself backward out of the cave. Cut to cave exterior. Close-up of Aang wriggling like a worm in an attempt to get away, only to be caught by Zuko.

Zuko: [Zuko pulls Aang up by his collar as seen from behind Aang.] That won't be enough to escape.

Aang: [On seeing Appa.] Appa!

Appa lands. Katara slides off. Close-up of Zuko.

Zuko: [Throwing the tied-up Aang aside who yelps.] Here for a rematch?

Katara: [Confidently while countering his fire blasts.] Trust me Zuko, it's not going to be much of a match.

Katara uses waterbending to launch Zuko into the air before plummeting him down to the ground, knocking him out. Close-up shot of Sokka running toward Aang to untie him with Zuko lying unconscious.

Sokka: Hey, this is some quality rope!

Aang: We need to get to the oasis; the spirits are in trouble!

Switch to a wide-view of the area with Aang airbending himself atop Appa. Close-up shot of Aang landing on Appa.

Aang: Wait, we can't just leave him here.

Sokka: Sure we can. Let's go.

Aang: No, if we leave him he'll die.

Aang airbends himself off Appa and retrieves Zuko, bringing him to Appa.

Sokka: [Sarcastically.] Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Let's bring the guy who's constantly trying to kill us.

Cut back to Zhao who continues to flee only to be attacked by Zuko.

Zhao: You're alive?

Zuko: [Angrily.] You tried to have me killed! [Zuko attacks Zhao.]

Zhao: [Close-up of Zhao's face.] Yes I did. [Zuko approaches Zhao as we see the giant energy form make its way toward the ocean.] You're the Blue Spirit, an enemy of the Fire Nation! You freed the Avatar.

Zuko: I had no choice. [Zuko continues his attacks, but they are blocked by Zhao.]

Zhao: You should have chosen to accept your failure; you're a disgrace. Then, at least, you could have lived! [Zuko and Zhao begin to fight.]

Cut to Zuko and Zhao fighting on a bridge. Zuko gains the upper hand and Zhao notices the moon has returned.

Zhao: [Shot of the moon over Zhao's shoulder.] It can't be!

Zhao is consumed by the energy in the shape of a hand and dragged toward the water.

Zuko: Zuko extends his hand to Zhao, offering help to his adversaryTake my hand!

Zhao considers it for a moment before retracting his hand and looking at Zuko in disgust. The energy plummets into the water, Zhao dragged along with it, and dissipates.

Cut to Zuko and Iroh on a raft floating away from the city.

Iroh: I'm surprised Prince Zuko, surprised that you are not at this moment trying to capture the Avatar.

Zuko: I'm tired.


The Southern Air Temple


Sokka Aang

Aang enters the room and looks around with a sad expression on his face. The scene switches to a closer shot of the skeleton in the snow and slowly zooms in on it. The skeleton is adorned with a round necklace that supports the symbol of airbending. Close-up of Aang, as he stares at the skeletons. Cut back to a close-up of the skeleton dressed in yellow monk robes. The camera focuses on the round, wooden necklace. Cut back to Aang, whose eyes are trembling with sadness and hold back tears.

Aang: Devastated. Gyatso.

The view changes to one from beside the skeleton; its fingers are clearly visible in the front as Aang drops to his knees in the background and lets out a mournful sigh. Cut to Sokka, who pulls the drapes aside and looks around.

Sokka: Happily. Hey, Aang! You find my dinner yet? Cut to a side-view of Aang sitting on his knees, his head cupped in his hands. Sokka walks toward him. Reassuring. Aang, I wasn't really going to eat the lemur, okay? He approaches Aang with a smile on his face, but shakes his head and does a double take. Oh, man. Switch to a shot of the skeleton of the monk, which slowly moves back to reveal that Sokka places a hand on Aang's shoulder. Come on, Aang. Everything will be all right. Let's get out of here.

Suddenly, Aang's arrow tattoos begin to glow a bluish white. Cut to a frontal view of Aang, as he lifts his head, his eyes glowing in the same color. The camera pans up; Sokka retracts his hands and gasps for air in fright. Switch to an overview shot of inside the sanctuary where Katara is walking down the circular pattern of statues. She stops before and looks at the statue of Avatar Roku. Cut to a close-up of the statue's face. The camera's point of view switches to behind Roku's shoulder. Katara suddenly looks surprised as a bluish, white light illuminates her face; it seems to come from the statue. Cut back to a close-up of the statue. Its eyes are gleaming bright. The bright light spreads to the other statues and one by one, their eyes start to gleam. The camera pans up to reveal how the light travels from statue to statue and makes its way up to the top of the sanctuary. The camera's point of view switches again to behind Roku's shoulder to show Katara, who is still staring at Roku in shock.

The Warriors of Kyoshi


Katara Aang Zuko

Zuko: Nice try, Avatar! But these little girls can't save you.

Aang: Close-up of Zuko. Hey! Over here!

Zuko turns around. Close-up of a determined Aang standing at the beginning of the main street, holding his staff in front of him like he is challenging the prince.

Zuko: Finally!

Zuko commences by sending two fire balls in Aang's direction. Back view of Aang as he prepares to face the incoming, burning projectiles. He ducks underneath the first and uses his staff to decimate the next fire ball. He rapidly spins the staff over his head, propelling himself in the air. He lands in front of Zuko, who immediately kicks the staff out of his hands. Aang jumps up and lands between two fans of a Kyoshi Warrior that are lying on the ground. He stands up and picks us the fan with his airbending. Close-up of Zuko, who madly charges Aang with his fist already held stretched out before him. Aang spins around a few times to create a bigger momentum and uses the extra power of his swirl to blast Zuko in a nearby house with a strong blast of air. Aang looks sad and lowers the fans. He runs down the main street and picks up his staff along the way. Aang tosses the object in the air, where it snaps open into his glider and jumps on. A close-up of a saddened Aang, switches to the scene he is seeing: a lot of burning houses and the Fire Nation troops among them. Aang looks back to see the burning statue of Avatar Kyoshi, which saddens Aang even more. Cut to an overview shot of Katara as she is leading Koko and another village girl into a house.

Katara: Get inside.

Aang lands and Katara turns to face him as he walks over to her.

Aang: Sorrowful. Look what I brought to this place.

Katara: It's not your fault.

Aang: Close-up. Upset. Yes, it is. These people got their town destroyed trying to protect me.

Camera turns to Katara. Five little girls can be seen behind her in the house. Koko stands in the doorway holding Momo, whole the girl next to her peeks around the door frame with a worried look upon her face.

Katara: Then let's get out of here. Zuko will leave Kyoshi to follow us. I know it feels wrong to run, but I think it's the only way.

Aang: Sad. I'll call Appa.

Winter Solstice, Part 2: Avatar Roku


Sokka Aang Katara Roku Zhao

Roku: I have something very important to tell you, Aang. That is why, when you were in the Spirit World, I sent my dragon to find you.

Aang: Interested, curious. Is it about that vision? The one of the comet?

Roku: Yes.

Aang: What does it mean?

Roku: One hundred years ago, Viewers see a visual of a comet in the dark sky. Fire Lord Sozin used that comet to begin the War. He and his firebending army harnessed its incredible power, and dealt a deadly first strike against the other nations.

Aang: Close-up. So the comet made them stronger?

Roku: Close-up. Yes. Stronger than you could even imagine.

Aang: Close-up. But that happened a hundred years ago. What does the comet have to do with the War now?

Roku: Listen carefully. Viewers see silhouette of Fire Lord Ozai standing amid flames, fists taut. Sozin's Comet will return by the end of this summer, and Fire Lord Ozai will use its power to finish the War, once and for all. Visual and audio of Ozai's silhouette roaring upward, fire streaming from his mouth. If he succeeds, even the Avatar won't be able to restore balance to the world. Aang. You must defeat the Fire Lord, before the comet arrives.

Aang: Counters anxiously. But I haven't even started learning waterbending! Not to mention earth and fire!

Roku: Mastering the elements takes years of discipline and practice. But if the world is to survive, you must do it by summer's end. Close-up of a shocked Aang.

Firebenders, including Zhao and his crew, circle around the door's perimeter, assuming a firebending form. A monk chant begins for the audience only. They wait patiently for the door to open.

Zhao: When those doors open, Shouts. unleash all your firepower!

Katara: Worried. How's Aang gonna make it out of this?

Sokka: Troubled, questioning. How are we gonna make it out of this?

Aang: Terrified. What if I can't master all the elements in time? What if I fail?

Roku: know you can do it Aang. Close-up of half his face. For you have done it before. Close-up of half of Aang's now-smiling face. The solstice is ending. We must go our separate ways, for now.

The Storm


Aang Gyatso Tashi Pasang Katara

Cut to a wall of the cave. The shot pans down to show Katara and a sad-looking Aang around their campfire. While Momo is asleep in his lap, Aang stares off into the fire with unseeing eyes as he continues his story.

Aang: Then, just when I was feeling better, something worse happened.

Scene changes to flashback of Monk Tashi and Monk Gyatso speaking to Monk Pasang.

Gyatso: Aang needs to have freedom and fun. He needs to grow up as a normal boy.

Tashi: You cannot keep protecting him from his destiny.

Pasang: Gyatso, I know you mean well, but you are letting your affection for the boy cloud your judgment.

Gyatso: All I want is what is best for him.

Pasang: But what we need is what's best for the world. You and Aang must be separated! The Avatar will be sent away to the Eastern Air Temple to complete his training.

Aang is shown looking through a hole in the ceiling, shocked at the news that he just heard.

Katara: That's awful, Aang. I don't know what to say.

Aang: Stands up. How could they do that to me? They wanted to take away everything I knew and everyone I loved! He activates the Avatar State.

Katara: Whoa! Hot cinders!

Aang comes out of the Avatar State, walks to the fire, and sits down again.

Aang: I'm sorry I got so mad.

Katara: You have the right to be angry after the monks sent you away like that.

Aang: Well, that's not exactly what happened. Flashback starts again, showing Aang looking out the window of his bedroom. I was afraid and confused. I didn't know what to do.

Flashback shows Aang lying on his bed before changing to Gyatso walking to Aang's room.

Gyatso: Aang, I'm not going to let them take you away from me. Aang? Gyatso is shown opening the door more, spotting the scroll, and opening it up. He gasps, and sees a storm coming outside the window.

Aang: Still in present, but flashback playing still. I never saw Gyatso again. Flashback shows Aang and Appa through the storm, and how Aang got into the iceberg. Next thing I knew, I was waking up in your arms after you found me in the iceberg.

Flashback shows Katara's face that was seen in "The Boy in the Iceberg". The flashback ends.

Katara: You ran away.

Aang: And then the Fire Nation attacked our temple. My people needed me and I wasn't there to help.

Katara: You don't know what would have-.

Aang: The world needed me and I wasn't there to help.

Katara: Aang ...

Aang: The fisherman was right! I did turn my back on the world!

Katara: You're being too hard on yourself, even if you did run away. I think it was meant to be. If you had stayed, you would have been killed along with all the other airbenders.

Aang: You don't know that.

Katara: I know it was meant to be this way. The world needs you now. You give people hope.

The Blue Spirit


Zhao Aang

The Blue Spirit continues backing away from the fortress. Zhao now looks on from the top of the main gate. Cut to an arrow being strung on a bow by an unseen soldier; cut back to Zhao, who looks to his right as he speaks.

Zhao: Do you have a clear shot?

Cut to a Yuyan Archer, who is silent, but aims.

Zhao: Knock out the thief. I'll deliver him to the Fire Lord along with the Avatar.

The archer releases his arrow, which the camera follows across the field to its impact point on the Blue Spirits masks. Cut to a side-view of Aang and the Blue Spirit as the masked man collapses backward in slow motion. Aang turns in horror, his eyes glazed. He recovers, turns around and airbends up a huge cloud of dust around him and the Blue Spirit.

Zhao: Quick! Recover the Avatar!

Cut to the main gate opening and a crowd Fire Nation soldiers emerging and running toward the dust cloud. Cut to inside the dust cloud, where Aang removes the Blue Spirit's mask to reveal Zuko. Aang starts back in horror and falls backward on the ground. He jumps up and runs away, but turns to look at Zuko, his eyes huge and full of compassion. He sees the Fire Nation soldiers getting close through the smoke. Still, he hesitates. When the dust clears, however, the soldiers find nothing. Cut back to Zhao, looking insanely angry. A frog hops up onto the railing, croaks, and hops off. Fade to white, followed by a blurry shot of a forest looking straight up into the canopy overhead. It is morning. The screen pans down to Aang sitting on a nearby root, the view is still blurry. He looks forlorn. Cut to Zuko, whose view we were clearly just seeing. He looks a bit dazed still.

Aang: To Zuko. You know what the worst part of being born over a hundred years ago is? I miss all the friends I used to hang out with. Before the war started, I used to always visit my friend Kuzon. The two of us, we'd get in and out of so much trouble together. He was one of the best friends I ever had, and he was from the Fire Nation, just like you. If we knew each other back then, do you think we could have been friends, too?

The Deserter


Sokka Aang Katara Jeong Jeong Tribal man

Jeong Jeong grabs a falling leaf and burns the center.

Jeong Jeong: Concentrate on the fire. I want you to keep the flame from reaching the edges of the leaf for as long as you can.

Tribal man: Master! There is trouble.

Aang: What's going on?

Jeong Jeong: Concentrate on your leaf!

Aang: Annoyed. This is the worst firebending instruction ever! All he does is leave me for hours to concentrate or breathe!

Katara: I'm sure there's a good reason.

Aang: But I'm ready to do so much more.

Aang remembers to concentrate on his leaf and gets into a stance and breaths. Moments later, the leaf burns up creating a small flame.

Aang: Excited. I did it! I made fire!

Katara: Aang, that's great, but you should take it slow.

Aang starts playing with it by tossing it back and forth from in front to behind himself. He makes a blast go in the opposite direction.

Aang: Now that's some firebending!

Katara: Aang, you'll hurt yourself!

Aang: I wonder how that juggler did it.

Aang tosses it into the air and spreads his arms out. For a second, he has a smile on his face, but it vanishes as he accidentally burns Katara's hands. Katara shrieks in pain.

Aang: Katara! I'm so sorry!

Sokka comes running to Katara's side.

Sokka: Concerned. Katara, what's wrong? Angrily. What did you do?!

Aang: It was an accident! I was, uh... Katara, I'm so--

Sokka tackles Aang.

Sokka: I told you we shouldn't mess around with this! Look what you did! You burned my sister! Katara runs away. You burned my sister! As Jeong Jeong walks in. This is all your fault!

Jeong Jeong: I know! Now pack your things. You must leave immediately.

Katara runs off.

Aang: I'm sorry, I didn't ... Sokka runs off. I'm sorry! Jeong Jeong looks at Aang, displeased.

The Siege of the North, Part 2


Zuko Aang Sokka Katara

Appa lands. Katara slides off. Close-up of Zuko.

Zuko: Throwing the tied-up Aang aside who yelps. Here for a rematch?

Katara: Confidently while countering his fire blasts. Trust me Zuko, it's not going to be much of a match.

Katara uses waterbending to launch Zuko into the air before plummeting him down to the ground, knocking him out. Close-up shot of Sokka running toward Aang to untie him with Zuko lying unconscious.

Sokka: Hey, this is some quality rope!

Aang: We need to get to the oasis; the spirits are in trouble!

Switch to a wide-view of the area with Aang airbending himself atop Appa. Close-up shot of Aang landing on Appa.

Aang: Wait, we can't just leave him here.

Sokka: Sure we can. Let's go.

Aang: No, if we leave him he'll die.

Aang airbends himself off Appa and retrieves Zuko, bringing him to Appa.

Sokka: Sarcastically. Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Let's bring the guy who's constantly trying to kill us.